Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) is a non-profit organisation working with the mandate for a humane social order based on truth, justice, freedom, and equity. Established in 1960, IGSSS works for development, capacity building and enlightenment of the vulnerable communities across the country for their effective participation in development.

With a pan India presence, IGSSS has set its thematic focus on creating sustainable livelihood opportunities, building climate – resilient communities, energising the youth as change makers, protecting lives, livelihood and assets from the impact of disasters and advocating for the rights of the urban poor. Gender and Youth are underlining themes across all its interventions. 

About Assignment

IGSSS invites Expressions of Interest from different development organizations/individual consultant to facilitate the validation of (PCVA) Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment and develop village plan integrating CCA (Climate Change Adaptation) and DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) in 18 villages of Khallikotte block of Ganjam district of Odisha under “Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam” project. 

Interested organizations/individual consultants are requested to send their EOIs to and copy to by 10th January 2023.

The EOI should contain the following:

  • Updated CV
  • Brief Organisational profile if applicant is an organisation
  • Samples of similar assignments handled by the applicant 
  • Detailed Budget with timelines 



IGSSS is implementing the project “Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam” in 18 villages of Khallikotte block of Ganjam. The project aims to build strong ecosystems in vulnerable communities in order to enhance community and institutional resilience to disaster and climate change in Odisha. The project has following objectives.

  • To enhance community and institutional capacity to build resilient to adverse effects of climate extreme events and other man-made disaster
  • To promote climate adaptive livelihood/alternative and diverse livelihood options for enhanced livelihood resilience of vulnerable communities toward food and income securities 
  • Strengthened convergences with local, regional, and national institutions


 Scope of study

  1. To identify and analyse vulnerability to climate change and disasters at the community level with focus on livelihood and resources (individual/common resources: land, water, forest, energy sources)
  2. Understand community perception on the hazards, risks, combine community knowledge exists with scientific data to gain understanding about local risks.
  3. Analyse the capacities and opportunities available to them to tackle or minimize these risk
  4. Help the community to develop context specific action plans to reduce the risks from disasters and climate change impacts with special focus to (Livelihood, Health, Shelter and WASH)
  5. Facilitate DMTs in developing village plan focusing CCA and DRR by analysing the capacity and vulnerability of the community.
  6. Building capacity of task forces members and project staffs on developing village plan integrating DRR-CCA in their respective community


The consultant will adopt different tools i.e., participatory rural appraisal, Visualization in Participatory Programme tools, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with community members (male and female of different age groups), discussion with institution leaders; key informant interviews with individual and transect walk.

  • Develop Tools for village plan in consultation with the IGSSS team
  • Collection of secondary data of the area and basic village information –format for collection of basic information provided by the consultant. 
  • Facilitating/validating PCVA exercise in project villages
  • Facilitating in developing village plan integrating DRR and CCA concern 
  • Sharing of key observations/findings with project team



  1. The tools developed for collection of primary data required to be submitted before the team goes to the field
  2. Facilitating validation of Participatory capacity and vulnerability assessment in 18 villages
  3. Village wise development plan (18 village in Odia) language and 1 village in English language 
  4. Strategies for resilience building action plan for the communities
  5. Photo documentation, electronic version of data, original photographs, as well as the research instrument, and other medium used during the study is required to be submitted

Steps & Timeline:

Sl. No 




Signing of ToR 

10th January 2023


Submission of draft roadmap/ planning outline and finalization 

13th January 2023


Field visit and actual work 

15th January 2023 to 31st January 2023


Submission of draft report incorporation of suggestions / feedback given by IGSSS 

5th February 2023


Submission of final plan 

10th February 2023


Submission of Invoice 

10th February 2023


Name of Authority:  

Indo Global Social Service Society (https://www/

Opening and screening of EoI:

  • Submission of EoI does not guarantee that the EoI will be accepted.
  • IGSSS will inform the shortlisted consultants 
  • Personal canvassing is strictly prohibited.

Signing of ToR:

After the verification of CV, IGSSS and the selected consultant will enter into agreement as per the existing norms, rules and regulation of IGSSS.