EOI - Consultation Services

Indo Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) invites online submission of ‘Expression of Interest’ for consultation services as per the assignments given below.


Assignment I: Result Documentation of the work in the ViSTAR project 

Assignment II: A documentary film on the model climate resilient village developed.  

Assignment III: Consolidation of Policy Briefs developed during the ViSTAR project. 

Assignment IV: Module on Community-led Carbon Sequestration process.   



Name of the project: 

Village Strengthening Through Adaption and Resilience (ViSTAR) Project at (Bundelkhand/ Vidarbha) 


Project Goal:

The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the resilience of Indian villages in semi-arid areas of three Indian states and to increase their adaptive capacity to climate change.


Project objectives:

Objective 1

The adaptive capacity of farmer families to the climate change-induced crisis has improved

Objective 2

Climate Smart Villages develop demonstration models for building climate resilience and include them in Gram Panchyat Development Plans on Climate Change. 

Objective 3

The capacity of small farmers to adopt climate-smart agriculture techniques and to promote the sustainable development of their villages is strengthened.


Location of the project: 




Madhya Pradesh 



Madhya Pradesh 



Madhya Pradesh 

Kabrai/ Srinagar


Maharashtra (Vidarbha) 

Kalamb and Bhabhulgaon


Maharashtra (Vidarbha) 


Wardha Major





Expected result

Budget line


Result Documentation: To document the good practices, models of resilience, process/ methodologies, strategies, outcome, impacts & effectiveness, challenges & strategies to overcome the challenges, convergence of Government resources along with our plans, possibilities of replications and upscale etc. under ViSTAR project. 

The document will help IGSSS to showcase the consolidated results from the ViSTAR project to different external stakeholders, communities and internal IGSSS staff. This document will also help in developing future upscaling plans. 

Institutional process, best practices, Action Research, IEC


To make a documentary for screening the model climate resilient village capturing the good practices and amelioration in the life of community due to the ViSTAR project 

The documentary will give an understanding on model climate resilient village undertaken by the Vistar project (complimenting Result Documentation) through a simple narration of change stories. 

The documentary will be a quality cinematographic elaborated the model climate resilient village through capturing the good practices and amelioration in the life of community due to Vistar project. Apart from this the documentary will be edited for a 2-minute short trailer for quick reactions from the audiences

Producing and publishing documents/studies on carbon sequestration and water use efficiency


Consolidation of Policy Brief: To consolidate all the policy briefs developed during the implementation of activities in ViSTAR project like developing climate audit, review of state climate action etc. 

A final policy brief document will build an understanding on the existing state and national level policies on climate change and will give knowledge on the scopes of policy amalgamation with Vistar experiences for a long run impact. 

This literature will help in advocacy dialogues with the policy makers in the forthcoming days for different IGSSS projects. It can also be used by other NGOs while working on policy development. It will also be useful for policy makers. 

Reviewing the state policy on climate change and looking for ways to integrate other issues/measures


Module on Community led carbon sequestration process: To prepare a working manual for the community leaders to implement carbon sequestration process based on the relevant field-level experience. 

This manual will give the direction to the community leaders for regularizing a periodic inventory through participatory measurement of the amount of carbon conserved. 

Producing and publishing documents/studies on carbon sequestration and water use efficiency



  1. Desk review: Collection and review of secondary data from website, local administration offices etc
  2. Field initiatives: Sampling of the target groups for data collection. Collection of primary data from community and other stakeholders
  3. Research and report/ documentation: Analysis of data collected from primary and secondary sources using statistical tools. Preparing report/ documents  



Indo Global Social Service Society (https://www/igsss.org

Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) is a non-profit organisation was established in 1960 with the mandate for a humane social order based on truth, justice, freedom, and equity. IGSSS works in 15 States on the thematic issues of Inclusive & Sustainable Cities; Humanitarian Support & Inclusion; Health, Nutrition & Sanitation; Livelihood & Food Security; Climate Resilience; Unleashing Youth Potential; Building Capacities; Partnership for Sustainable Development. Since couple of decades, IGSSS is addressing climate change through several projects, lot of climate resilient initiatives have been taken in rural and urban periphery with local administrations. Apart from this, IGSSS has an identity for its quality work, commitments and partnership at national level.



Individual consultant or an organization in with provable previous successes all Agency/Institutions/ Individuals having experience related area are eligible to apply. Following criteria are required.

  1. Individual consultant or an Organization must be registered under Society’s Registration Act or Trust or registered under Companies Act Section 25 or section 8 company. 
  2. Minimum two similar work Experience on Climate change issue. 
  3. Any individual consultant/institutions or agency may apply for one selected district. 


Deadline for submission of the EOI and proof of previous successful deliverables is 20th July 2023. Please mail your submissions with complete number of sessions and a financial quotation to hr@igsss.net

Please note that each individual consultant or organization can apply either for one or more than one assignment. 



EOI will be screened by a committee formed by the IGSSS. Submission of EOI does not guarantee that the EOI will be accepted. Decision of the Screening Committee of IGSSS will be final. IGSSS will inform the shortlisted Agency/Institutions/Individuals after the decision of the screening committee. Personal canvassing is strictly prohibited.



After the verification of documents, IGSSS and the selected Agency/Institutions/Individuals will enter into an agreement as per the existing norms, rules, and regulation of IGSSS. 

  1. Objective 
    Bhoomi Ka is looking for a consultant/agency to design and organise a training and capacity building workshop for Board of Directors and staff of three FPOs in Punjab and Haryana. The objective of the workshop is the following-
    • BoDs & staff develop good understanding around FPO and motivate them towards good governance of FPO.
    • Train and build capacities of BoDs & CEOs to support and strengthen their FPO and develop strong business outlook
    • Support FPO develop its business strategy and action plan for one year
  2. Timeline: 
    The workshop shall be organised and completed within a month of signing the contract.
  3. Application Process
    Consultant/consulting firm with appropriate skill and experience should apply with
    • Detailed response to the Request for Proposal (RFP), with specific focus addressing the scope of work, 
    • Profile or CVs/Resumes of the trainers.
    • Financial Proposal

The last date for sending the proposal, inclusive of fee (incld GST) and other details as mentioned above is August 15, 2022, at hr@igsss.net. Shortlisted individuals/ organizations will be contacted for detailed discussion. Following which final selection for the assignment will be conducted.