Name of the Project: Satat Shehar

Requirement: Individual Consultants/ NGOs/ Firms with relevant experience


Developing a Coffee Table book on challenges faced by urban poor/ informal workers due to extreme/ changing climatic events and identifying scope for community-based resilience building with low cost solutions 


Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) is a non-profit organization working with the mandate for the humane social order based on truth, justice, freedom and equity. Established in 1960, IGSSS works for development, capacity building and enlightenment of vulnerable communities across the country for their effective participation in development. 

IGSSS is implementing a project titled Satat Shehar in 12 slums of Nagpur cities. The program focuses on the slum dwellers and different informal workers. It also focusing on impact of climate change events on the people living in slums and building resilient community. 

IGSSS invites Expressions of Interest from individual/group consultant/consultants for developing Coffee Table Book on understanding impact of extreme climate events on urban poor and identifying scope for community based resilience building in 12 slums of Nagpur city. The process will be started from 15th July 2023 and will be completed by 30thAugust 2023.  

Interested consultants/institutions are requested to send in their detailed study framework and budget plan along with CV  by 10th July 2023. Also share documents of any such earlier study conducted by the consultant.


The consultant should have proven expertise under below context: 

  • Good understanding of Urban Poor/ Informal workers 
  • Good understanding of changing climatic context in urban settlements 
  • Proven experience of designing study framework, study tools and final output

Objective of documentation: 

  • Understanding the challenges and impact of climate change on informal workers (street vendors, domestic workers, waste pickers, construction workers etc) 
  • Identifying the coping measures or any low-cost solutions, if any, to improve the resilience and combat climate change impact

Process & Methodology

  • The consultant will visit different project slums have focused group discussion with different informal workers, based on discussion designed tools for quantitative survey. 
  • Secondary data collection on climate change impact on informal workers, through officials, website, influential persons etc and secondary data analysis
  • Primary Data collection through individual survey with personal interviews and focus group discussions with  a) informal workers       b) Local duty bearers 
  • The sampling will be 100 from each category of informal workers from the slums. Convenient sampling will be used for primary data collection. 
  • Primary Data Analysis through percentage/ mean/ median/ mode/ correlation etc tools / formulae. 
  • Coffee table book of printable version


12 slums of Nagpur City, Maharashtra 

Steps & Timeline:

Sl No Steps Timeline 
1Signing ToR By 15th July 2023
2Submission of methodology/questionnaire/ checklist for study By 20th July 2023
    • Field visit, FGD, Interaction with farmers and stakeholders 
  • Data collection and analysis
By 30th July 2023 
4Submission of draft report incorporation of suggestions / feedback given by IGSSS By 10th August 2023
5Submission of final report By 20th August 2023
6Submission of invoice By 30th August 2023


  • The consultant will develop a coffee table book (printable version) containing the challenges of different urban poor category and scope of building community based resilience. 

Name of Authority:  

Indo Global Social Service Society (https://www/

Opening and screening of EoI :

  • Submission of EoI does not guarantee that the EoI will be accepted.
  • IGSSS will inform the shortlisted consultants 
  • Personal canvassing is strictly prohibited.

Signing of ToR:

After the final selection, IGSSS and the selected consultant will enter into agreement as per the existing norms, rules and regulation of IGSSS.

Terms of Payment

Fees will be paid in two installments:

  • 1st installment i.e., 50% of the fees will be released immediately upon signing of the TOR
  • 2nd Installment and final installment i.e., 50% of fees will be released within one week of completion of the assignment and handover of all documents.
  • The consultant will produce a bill for the entire fees for release of final installment.